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Schrödinger Thoughts

I think humans are intentionally made imperfect, that way you would only ever have one match. Yourself.

Does that make sense to you?

In Lana del Rey’s words “if you dance I’ll dance, if you don’t I’ll dance anyway… if you go I’ll stay, you come back I’ll be right here”.

We tend to attribute our actions as consequences for other people's actions, but are they really? Or just what we would do.

Think of us as a question that has just one answer, yet different routes lead to the same conclusion.

It’s only a story when it comes to an end, so who’s is it to tell our stories?

We dwell so much on what things are, we ignore what they can be.

Who’s is it to define rules to a system they haven’t seen through and through. How can we define the length of time by living the fraction of an undefined algebra?

We scream for freedom from the bars we see, yet we cage ourselves in a box; ignorant of the infinite possibilities we can explore.

Colonized by “rationality” aren’t we?

This iterative approach we make towards change, giving us a sense of order in a system where only chaos is achievable is grossly redundant.

Few have, and fewer still will unlock the ability to free their minds.

“There are two forces you don’t want to be fighting, nature and love” – 5 to 7 (2014)

We troll this path we call common sense every second we exist, limiting ourselves with unmovable boundaries and running in our minds with unstoppable wonder.

An “impasse” the French would call it.

How then do we make progress?

Think of humans as a problem of sets, having unifying characteristics doesn’t mean we do not have identifying characteristics.

The mere fact that we identify ourselves with significant symbols across the vastness of the internet points to the fact that no two humans are the same no matter how many unifying features they possess.

Imagine a box and a belief that it contains everything (as infinite as that description is) yet doesn’t factually state that there is a particular thing in it. We cannot for a fact state that the supposed thing is in the box neither can we say it is not.

Claiming that all human beings are the same is like saying every puff of smoke will follow the same pattern as every other one and that is just not possible. Or that a puff of smoke will follow a particular path based on another puff of smoke someplace, somehow, somewhere in time* (* which we do not have a scale for).

Science was birthed from the unknown by individuals who dared to deviate from the norm. The majority draw a line of best fit for a system that is so diverse it plots all sections of a graph.

We cannot claim to be inventive and base our lives on a statistic.

We bear the proof of uniqueness every day in the palm of our hands. As many as the seven billion people that walk this earth, no two palms have the same prints and no two eyes have the same network of blood vessels.

Until this concept is properly understood, man will only ever remain lost.

We fight our consciousness every day and that in itself is why we can’t see beyond the scope of averages. Until we realize that individual consciousness is the only scale that can measure possibilities we will never attain maximum capacity.

Dare, just dare; dare to walk off your flat earth.

Only then can you claim to have found yourself.

Only then is the story complete and the question answered.

“Is the cat dead or alive?”

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